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Ancient Egypt: "An Old Civilization Recorded in History - Egyptian Eternity"

History of Ancient Egypt      People settled in Egypt as early as 6000 B.C. Over time, small villages joined together to become states until two kingdoms emerged: Lower Egypt, which covers the Nile River Delta up to the Mediterranean Sea in the north, and Upper Egypt, which covers the Nile Valley in the south. The Nile River flows from south to north, so for the ancient Egyptians, the southern part of the country was "up."      Around 3100 B.C., a king (later called a pharaoh) united these two lands to be one country, and so historians begin the long history of ancient Egypt here, dividing it into different periods.  1. Early Dynastic Period, about 525 years (ca 3100 B.C. to ca 2575 B.C.):      These early pharaohs worked to keep the two lands under their control. To do this, they claimed they were being watched over by the falcon god Horus, so the people of Egypt should respect them. They also used record keeping in the form of hieroglyphic writing to record things like roya

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