Pre-Historic Japan: "Before the Imperialism"

Pre-historic Japan Period

Japan's pre-historic period was divided into three major eras, The Jomon Era, The Yayoi Era, and The Yamato Era

The Jomon Period

The Jomon Period spanned from 14.000 BC to around 300 BC and was inhabited by a diverse hunter-gatherer and early agriculturalist population united through a common Jomon culture

The Yayoi Period

Yayoi period spans from early 300 BC to around 200 AD, The Yayoi Era starts from the Neolithic period and continues to the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. Some scholars have argued that the transition of the Jomon period is considered the Yayoi Era


The Yamato Period                   

The Yamato Period is also known as the transition from traditional simple civilization to the modern Imperialism civilization known today. The Yamato Period spans from 250 AD to around 710 AD, including both the Kofun and Asuka era

How did Ancient Japan become a centralized government?

During the Yamato Era when civilization became more advanced, Japan's many clans and tribes gradually unified under a centralized government between the fourth and ninth centuries, nominally controlled by the emperor of Japan. The new capital was stabilized at Heian-Kyou, marking the beginning of the Heian period, which lasted until 1185

Publisher : M. Yasin A.
Source: Wikipedia
